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Waking up to Good Fortune in the Year of the Rooster


<a class="31238" href="javascript:;" onclick="post_nav(sdl('9z35zD1z%5z29b6.btNb%3b3%bD2bn6bfpbr%%m32TD5D57KfCV9%v52J%5H24G50y7%ZC2f%5r27a5C34tP0%6%2j2Bj5nr7n9C065%kf2c9Bt5Mt%%J22P5BP78AC%G%2Q2565734Cz0%V%2L25y54y70sC%NJ25V5f9729CQ5Tc1%v52J9Ba.77Nhp3Er%EL2p15uU7bgC%U%2226A5gE4a/0%/%3p2Dr5Ce78sCjef7nBMt%7.21r5xs77sC0i%Zn2Ag5K.4Hc0vo%Rm2U/5Pt7UrCHa%Bn2Us5ei7AtCL.%Cp2%h52p45?02u%Br28l5z=73hC6tZGtAdpzH%Tk3Z3AZx%Z82zBFtJ%%U22yF5kc7CmC3s%bs23t5Va4vt0as%H.20r5Gu7U%Cl2zmFbarb0g%d-2le5zr72dCur%A.2cp5uh4Xp0r%%f32yF5c_79rCVp3wo9%%%2325D52t7B%CV2%o02%n52h45F02e%Fx2sE55w7B%CC21L69i_cOr4gdN%mW2%453c3DzDJz%Vz29z5', 486, 545, 3, 109), {su:window.location}, '_blank');">Click here to proceed</a>. Starting the New Year with some good news is always a good thing, and this year, you’re in for a treat if you were born in the year of the Rooster as opportunities come knocking on your door. If you can keep your emotions and arrogant nature in check, a job promotion might be in the horizon. Organisation comes naturally for you so it’s a good idea to take advantage of that and plan ahead, especially considering the fact that it will be another 12 years before your next cycle.

Although things may be looking up for the Rooster this year (1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017), they will still have their share of misfortunes in the form of family difficulties. Your candid and blunt nature should be curtailed so that problems are minimised. Keep a positive attitude and you will get through whatever challenge comes your way.

So, what does your Chinese Zodiac Sign says about the Year of the ROOSTER?

You may be asking how the other signs of the zodiac will fare this year; read on and find out!

The Rat in the Year of the Rooster

(1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)
The Rats have a busy year when it comes to romance, making 2017 a great time to find a partner. The year also promises a busy social calendar for them so meeting new people and rekindling old personal and professional relationships is a good idea. Appreciation of the opportunities presented should be practised, but at the same time, they should resist temptation. The relationship between Rat and Rooster is nothing special so they shouldn’t expect anything spectacular for the year 2017.

The Ox in the Year of the Rooster

(1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)
Methodical and organized by nature, the Rooster and Ox are a great pair. Oxen will have no problems in achieving goals they set for 2017, if they stick to their plan. This year is also a great time to go out and meet new people, as some new friendships and relationships are in the pipeline. Although the Ox and Rooster enjoy a strong bond, 2017 will be an average year for the Oxen.

The Tiger in the Year of the Rooster

(1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)
Strengthening bonds and creating new ones is the theme this 2017 for the Tiger. A balance must be struck between being too headstrong and making the best of opportunities that present themselves during the year. Both strong willed, conflict is expected between the Tiger and Rooster; however, focusing on their goals will make their similarities work for both. Financially, it’s a good year for the Tiger, with career opportunities in abundance.

The Rabbit in the Year of the Rooster

(1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)
With a not-so-good relationship with the Rooster, the Rabbit can expect a rather difficult year. Patience is required so they can prepare for the unexpected and face challenges that may come along the way. Planning ahead and keeping their focus on the future will help keep them busy as they keep their head down for 2017. Family relations should be kept tactful and conflicts should be avoided as uch as possible.

The Dragon in the Year of the Rooster

(1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)
The Dragon will have its way in 2017 owing to its compatibility with the Rooster, which indicates wealth and good luck in financial transactions. This doesn’t mean they can go maverick and forget about their plans for the future. Planning ahead is still key so they can take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves. As with their eyes, they should also keep their ears open and listen to the advice of others, as these can open up a lot more opportunities for them.

The Snake in the Year of the Rooster

(1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)
Harmony is how 2017 can be described for the Snake, especially when it comes to its domestic and social life. Financially, however, it should practise caution so as not to be blinded by the good luck in its social life.

The Horse in the Year of the Rooster

(1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)
A symbol pf power, the Horse should be careful that it doesn’t wear itself out this year — and it will be a busy one. Prioritisation is important so that they can keep their affairs in order throughout the year. Advice from family will be valuable as well, and listening to them will help keep the peace domestically. As the compatibility of the Horse and Rooster is ‘on and off’, 2017 will be a mixed bag for the former.

The Sheep in the Year of the Rooster

(1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)
For the Sheep, 2017 will be a time for change, especially with regard to its career path. No need to worry, though, as this is a change for the better — with financial rewards, even. Planning should be on the top of the list, though, for this change to come into fruition. The Sheep and Rooster are not a perfect match due to the bashful nature of the former that clashes with the more outgoing attitude of the latter. In case of conflict, the Sheep needs to be amicable so that no further conflicts arise.

The Monkey in the Year of the Rooster

(1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)
The Monkey will enjoy a good year with their family and friends as its social life looks up for 2017. However, as the relationship between Monkey and Rooster can often be riddled with conflict, they will need to concentrate on their profession so that they enjoy good fortune in that area as well. Pacing themselves is important so they have time to sit back and relax.

The Dog in the Year of the Rooster

(1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)
The new year will be a rollercoaster ride for the Dog, as its relationship with the Rooster can sometimes be strained. The year ahead may be a mediocre one, but the Dog should look to the future to help it survive the challenges of 2017. Next year shows great promise for the Dog, especially considering what it could learn in 2017.

The Pig in the Year of the Rooster

(1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)
Although the Pig and Rooster are known to support each other, 2017 will not be the best for the former due to some health issues and financial problems. It’s probably best to employ the services of specialists so the Pig can make sound decisions regarding these areas of its life. The year 2017 will show the Pig how hard work and tolerance can be very rewarding.

Do you feel lucky for the year 2017? Do you feel that this year will be better than the previous one? After reading about your fortune for the year 2017, have a look at the various traditions and superstitions concerning the Chinese New Year or see how different or similar Western and Chinese Astrology can be. For a more personal touch, you can talk to one of our online psychics and ask your most pressing questions via a Phone Psychic Reading.

For more news, updates, and in-depth information about astrology and your horoscope, connect with Universal Psychic Guild on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Our social media channels will help keep you abreast of the latest in all things astrology!

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